Saturday, December 28, 2019

How Old Are You Readers Tell Job Interview Tales

How Old Are You Readers Tell Job einstellungsgesprch TalesHow Old Are You Readers Tell Job Interview TalesReaders ask, experts answer age-based interview questionsEditors Note A story that ran in Ladders Sept. 16 newsletter, Dont Answer That Interview Question, elicited a nearly unprecedented volume of reader responses. Many recounted their own experiences with interviewers who asked inappropriate questions, and others asked how to respond, whether the questions come from hiring managers or online forms.Ladders took some of those questions to recruiters, lawyers and hiring professionals, asking them about the appropriateness of the questions and the best responses candidates can offer.Question Do I need to date myself?Karl Lohrmann prefers leid to answer questions about his age. But its hard to avoid revealing it, sometimes indirectly.Im filling out a lot of applications online. I dont know anyone who fills out an application on paper anymora, said Lohrmann, 62, of Chicago. Most of t hese forms ask for my college-graduation date. You cant leave the question blank you cant submit an incomplete form. How can I fill out this form without dating myself?Answer There are ways to get around the question, but almost all of them draw attention to the issue, said Janine Yancey, president of emTRAiN of Sacramento, Calif., an employment law training company that educates managers on dos and donts of workplace. By not answering, you are calling attention to the matter, she said. You can put in vague date ranges for example, you can write, Graduated in the 1980s. If the inquiry comes up during an interview, the best thing you can do is reframe the question, Yancey advised. Tell the interviewer how many years youve been in the workforce. As a candidate, you could say, If you are asking me how many years Ive spent in this particular industry, Ive been working for X years. Youre talking about relevant years of experience its smooth, seamless, not confrontational.You want to avoi d confrontation, which is a challenge. You dont want to point out that they are being inappropriate, even though it may be true. You need to redirect the conversation along appropriate lines.If an online form wont allow you to submit the application without answering a question about your age or dates associated with your career or education, you have the option of bypassing the computer, said Matthew Arrigale, vice president for Human Resources Americas at Schott North America of Elmsford, N.Y.Try to get hold of someone at that company and tell them the site is not letting you submit the application, he said. Tell that part there is one question on the application that is asking for information you dont think you should provide. Its possible they are not aware of it.Your age or dates are not relevant information, and you shouldnt feel compelled to answer it, Arrigale said. The danger, he said, is that many interviewers will ask landseemingly innocuous questions but are digging for mora information. Its good to be aware of these questions.No matter how innocently they ask some of these questions, you can start revealing more information, he said. Its legal to ask, Are you at least 18 years of age? and you might make a joke that reveals more than you want. Or they will ask you to describe long-term career plans. Dont say you are looking for a place to retire from.If a company presses for information on graduation dates and your attempts to avoid the issue arent working, you might reconsider whether you want to work for the company, Arrigale said. If you feel they are trying to get age-related information and it seems they are looking for ways to skirt employment regulations, I would consider opting out and finding a company with integrity.Question License and registration, please?Brian Haley of New York, who is looking for a facilities-management position, has interviewed with several hospitals and corporations. The application form was generally straightforwar d, but in a few places, they asked me for a social-security number or a picture ID, both of which would reveal my date of birth, he said. Can they ask for this sort of information?Answer Asking for a photo ID is not appropriate, Yancey said. If youre uncomfortable presenting it, the best response is to submit the application without it, she said.I would take the passive route and not include the photo ID, she said. And if they kick it back to you, I would say, in a non-confrontational way, I would check your hiring guidelines, its not appropriate. Of course, that might put them on the defensive, and you might not get the job. But the goal is to get beyond the gatekeeper this first contact. I do think that 90 percent of this type of thing is ignorance on the HR persons part they arent trained, and they arent informed. So its worth standing your ground and saying something.Not only is the information unnecessary at the start of the interview process, it raises concerns about identity theft, said Ellen B. Vance, senior consultant and advisory services practice leader at Titan Group, an HR consultancy in Richmond, Va.Its OK to leave that blank and say youd be happy to provide that at time of hire, Vance told Lisa Vaas for a story Ladders ran on data security. I think the candidate is perfectly OK to say, Im very cautious, based (on) what I see in the media, about identity theft. You can do it in a way thats not confrontational.Question How much professional history can interviewers request?Certified professional resume writers advise clients that only the last 15 years of your resume is relevant, and most recommend using no more than that to cloak your age. But what happens when the company wants to see your full employment history? What happens when the company is the government and its part of a security check?One member of Ladders from the Washington, D.C., area, who asked to remain anonymous, ran into the situation when applying to jobs as a sales manager pos ition in IT and federal sales. What do I say when an interviewer wants my entire employment record? he asked. Is this something the government is allowed to ask? Should I submit my entire employment history if it will date me?Answer Its not, said Kathryn Troutman, author of 10 Steps to a Federal Job and president of The Resume Place. She counsels people to give no more than 20 years of job history. Theres no need for more, she said. And you should emphasize the past 10 years over the previous 10 make your most recent job the most important and the previous 10 less of a focus.There are a few government agencies, such as the Border Patrol and the Federal Aviation Administration, that wont hire anyone over the age of 37. And you should be aware of those restrictions going in. But if anyone is trying to find out your age by insisting you provide a work history, you should stick to your most recent employment and emphasize that this is what is most relevant to the position for which you are applying.People also think that because they are applying for a government job, that birth dates and high-school and graduation dates are mandatory, she said. They are not, and you can leave them open. Most interviewers will know better than to push. And you shouldnt let them push.If the job requires security clearance, Troutman said, there may be no way around providing the information, but such a request usually comes after the initial application and interview process.Patty Orsini is a general assignment reporter for Ladders.

Monday, December 23, 2019

How to Give Your Employees the Balance They Crave

How to Give Your Employees the Balance They Crave How to Give Your Employees the Balance They Crave Some of your employees will crave balance above all else. Thoseemployeesrecognize the importance of balancing their work lives and their personal lives. They prefer to work for organizations that make work-life balance an attainable goalby supporting both the business and personal success of their employees.How to Identify Employees Who Value BalanceThere are a few characteristics that people who value balance tend to have in commonThose who value balance ignore email and work-related taskswhen they are off the clock.They generally have very clear personal goals in addition to their work goals.Theymay become agitated when their work projects consume their personal time.Theygenerally know how to leave their personal lives including personal stresses out of the office.The Pros of Having a Balance Employee on Your TeamIf life is a balancing act, unterstellung employees know better than to ever tip the scales too far. Those who value balance have big personal and professional goals. They want to achieve all of these goals and also avoid abgeschlagenheit.In a tight-knit office, they might be the one who hesitates to connect with their colleagues on social media. It might be widelyknown that they have a family or a cherished past time, but they shield the details well. When it comes to those workplace perks like health initiatives or flex time, they willbe some of the first to take advantage.The Cons of aHaving a Balance Employee on Your TeamWhile an employee who values balance is not necessarily less dedicated to either part of their life, chances are that when one spills into the other, they will become frustrated or stressed. Unplanned overtime or a family emergency during work hours might be enough to tip the scales they work so hard to keep even.Why Its Important to Support YourBalance EmployeesEmployees who value balance thrive when they feel supported.They l ook for employers who are just as happy to see their employees finish marathons as they are to see them hit sales goals. When these employees receive that support, they are quick to return the favor usually by giving their all to the position.Employers shouldappreciate that these employees are not prone to burnout and stresslike their less balanced counterparts may be. Stress is a major driver of job changes, and a lack of work-life balance is a huge stressor for many,What Your Balance Employees HateThe 47-hour workweekthat many Americans put it in is stressful for many, and your balance-focused employees will be the first to speak up about it. If your company expects long hours and hard work without compensating employees through onsite health initiatives or flex time, then your balance-loving employees are probably searching for new jobs right now.Additionally, while these employees are generally great atavoiding burnout, too many surprises can lower theirotherwise high boiling p oints. Companies will see the most growth and dedication from balance-chasing employees if they clearly outline opportunities for career advancement and what it takes to capture those opportunities.If a balance-focused employee is in your midst, your company is probably high on their priority list. When they join your team, theyre prepared to bring you into their perfect mixture of work and play. If you help them maintainthat mixture, theyll respond by giving you their absolute best at all times. However, if you ignore their need for balance, youll lose them and quickly.A version of this article originally appeared on theVitru blog.Ryan Meadis the CEO and founder ofVitru.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Presidents State of the Union Proposals Would Create Diverse Federal Job Opportunities

Presidents State of the Union Proposals Would Create Diverse Federal Job OpportunitiesPresidents State of the Union Proposals Would Create Diverse Federal Job OpportunitiesPresidents State of the Union Proposals Would Create Diverse Federal Job OpportunitiesWashington, DC (PRWEB) February 19, 2013The Washington Post reported that the word fruchtwein frequently spoken in the 2013 State of the Union speech, was JOBS. President Obama outlined initiatives that would create a variety of private-sector jobs in many industries. unterstellung new employment opportunities will in turn generate many well-paying civil service jobs, according to Kathryn Troutman, president of The Resume Place, Inc. and an expert on federal employment.When Congress or the president acts to stimulate job creation in the private sector, the federal government often must take on additional work to support, regulate or augment this economic activity, said Troutman. The proposals that the president outlined in his Feb . 12 speech would create work and likely some new jobs in departments such as Defense and Homeland Security and in other federal agencies like the National Institutes of Health.Among the private-sector jobs initiatives likely to create federal jobs are these five President Obama announced the launch of three regional manufacturing innovation institutes that will help modernize American industry. These hubs will collaborate with the departments of Defense and Energy, creating work for those key federal employers. Proposed federal funding of research could help scientists understand and eventually prevent or cure Alzheimers disease, and develop drugs to regenerate damaged organs, among other biomedical initiatives. Such research requires administrative services from the likes of the National Institutes of Health. The Fix-It-First program would put private-sector engineers, project managers and construction workers on the job, effecting urgent repairs on 70,000 structurally deficient bridges, among other projects. These contracts would likely require hiring in agencies such as the Federal Highway Administration charged with procuring and overseeing such infrastructure construction and repairs. President Obama asked Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform. Such a law could require federal departments and agencies such Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Homeland Security to process millions of additional applications for citizenship, each requiring a background check and other labor-intensive steps. Additional federal jobs would likely result. The president called on Congress to keep faith with our veterans, which means, among others things, providing both private-sector and federal employment opportunities. Cabinet departments most likely to yield jobs for former servicemen and women include Defense, Energy, Health Human Services, Homeland Security, ICE, Interior, Justice and Transportation.Any federal jobs engendered by the presidents prop osals will be posted on USAJOBS, said Troutman. Candidates should be aware that the federal job application is very detailed and technical, and more demanding than the private-sector process. To be successful, applicants must rewrite and expand their resumes to meet stringent federal requirements.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

20 Traits Successful Senior Executives Share

20 Traits Successful Senior Executives Share20 Traits Successful Senior Executives ShareWhile leadership styles vary from person-to-person, great executives share a number of common, observable behaviors that support their success. 20 Characteristics Most Successful Senior Executives Have in Common They are competitive.They approach every geschftsleben situation as a competition.They are dedicated to continuous improvement. They do elend settle for good enough for their own performance or the performance of their kollektivs. They hold themselves accountable to learning, growing and improving, and they appreciate this behavior in their team members.They work long hoursbut have come to terms with what work-balance means to them.Harvard Business School ProfessorBoris Groysbergand his team have been studying executive work/life balance for years, and his findings resonate with my own observations. According to their latest research,Work/life balance is at best an elusive ideal, and a t worst, a complete myth, todays senior executives will tell you. But by making deliberate choices about which opportunities theyll pursue, and which theyll decline, rather than simply reacting to emergencies, leaders can and do engage meaningfully with work, family, and community. Theyve discovered through hard experience that prospering in the senior ranks is a matter of carefully combining work and home so as not to lose themselves, their loved ones, or their foothold on success. They know exactly where they want to go. Top executives have a clear vision for themselves and their organizations They may not understand exactly how they will get there, but they are committed to finding the way through action and experimentation.They love making decisionsand can do so with limited information. A senior executives typical day is often filled with an endless series of meetings in which they are asked tomake decisions. The successful ones would rather make a decision with limited informa tion and then change it if they are wrong, rather than let it drag on for months. They expect solutions and hate whining.They will maintain open channels of communication and love hearing from all levels of employees. They have limited patience for complaints without solutions.They have presence. They look the part and can command a room.They are risk takers and dont mind making mistakes.Successful executives have no problem talking about their mistakes and the lessons learned from those mistakes. They take pride in the scars they have earned and view them as a part of growth. They manage by the numbersbut dont lead by the numbers. In other words, they have incredible business acumen and can drill down into the details of the monthly operating reports and financial statements. They realize that business success is about leadingpeople, not managing the numbers.They regret not taking action on poor performers sooner. I hear this over and over and over. Its almost a required experience and lesson for every successful executive. They all have stories about how they took over a business and their biggest was mistake moving too quickly to get the right people on the bus. They learn how to size up a team quickly.While this may seem to contradict number ten, in all cases they said theyknewearly on who should stay and who should go, but they didnt trust their instincts and tried to turn the person around.They are rapid learners.They aska lot of great questions, are extremely intelligent, and can sort out the important from the minutia. And theydontlike having smoke blown up their chimneys.They multitask and tend to exhibit short attention spans. Unfortunately, this behavior is often perceived by others as not paying attention or caring. They often have to learn the behaviors of how to listen and show people that they are listening. They get bored with the status quo. They thrive on new situations, turnarounds, and start-ups. When a business gets mature, they get antsy and start looking for the new challenge. In fact, in many cases, someone will come looking for them they rarely have to look for new jobs.They have mentorsand know how to leverage them. Thats why so many of them are willing to mentor others.They learn from experiences good and bad. They can look back at every challenging assignment and former boss (good ones), and draw a lesson learned. They are strategic. They can connect the dots and see the forest from the trees. They spend time with customers, and they understand they work hard to translate insights into strategies and actions.They have high expectations of others and readily show their frustration.Successful executives tend to be perceived as highly demanding, transferring their own personal high expectations to others. This can be challenging for their team members to deal with over time.They manage up and play politics well in order to protect their autonomy. They know how to adapt to the styles and expectations of their bos ses. Its not that they are being compliant they are doing it to keep their bosses off their backsso that they have the autonomy to run their businesses. They learn how to play well with their peers and build coalitions. Politics is not a dirty word its a requirement in order to gain the support and cooperation of your peers. The successful ones do it in a way that builds coalitions, instead of back-stabbing.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Resumer Tips

Resumer Tips Whispered Resumer Secrets Even when you have leid really been on the lookout for a career move yet, it still is worth it to keep a resume in your computers documents folder as you cant when the need will arise, and it is going to also help you remember pertinent details you might otherwise forget. To save a whole lot of heartache down the road, make sure you use our resume builder to create a document that could be easily transferred to different job applications. One of the greatest things you can do in order to help yourself get going on the endeavor is to get some sample sales manager resumes to look at. Typing a resume these days has become quite easy, especially if youve got the write software. The very last thing you would like is for your resume to let you down when youre actually the best suited pick for the job. So, the very first step you will want to do is toss your old resume. To learn to compose a resume you should spend a great deal of thought and effort in what you can do to help an employer. Its quite simple to register for tests which do not pay you anything. Youve got not to forget that no matter the degree of the job, a resume is what is going to get you in the door. They would like to find the latest performance and some career progression. Your resume must pass this stage. Then once you complete the totally free questionnaire, the rest is simply putting the puzzle together. When you have answered the questions, the rest is a slice of cake. Although this could take some opportunity to put together, the last outcome will be well worth it. Another very good solution is to seek for skilled assistance. It should be effective in communicating information too. With free resume forms, you find it possible to utilize all the advantages that it has to provide you so you have the ability to appear successful, and get the ideal written resume. We provide many programs and services which may helpincluding free wellness c are and, in some situations, free limited dental hygiene. Using Resumer Managers and C-Level executives will require a crucial set of new skills associated with A.I. And should they dontWell, they may be left in the dark. The qualified experts have written the very best papers in many distinct locations. Next is the main part and thats experience. As soon as youve have done so, youve just created a one of a kind resume and ought to get prepared to blow any employer from the water. The environment is just not ready for them yet. Be aware this uses a particular rSection atmosphere. New Step by Step Roadmap for Resumer Continuity and flow increase the value of your professionalism once it concerns the cover letter. But this will be based on your background. Thus a job may take numerous rows. Your career goals are a great point to begin your resume with. It is not going to help you to modify your career. A resume summary is just an expert statement which you make to a recr uiter. A restaurant depends upon the cooperation and coordination of every member of the group in any way times. Resumer No Longer a Mystery Explain why youre interested in the position, why you believe youre the very best candidate for the job, and which skills and abilities you possess that will assist you to do the work well. Heres the reality as much as you are searching for the ideal job, HR is searching for the ideal candidate. Attempt to consider pretty much any skill which can be helpful in a job which you are seeking and mention it in your resume. As soon as you have prepared and submitted your resume to an employer the hope is you will be requested to attend work interview to talk about further whether you are going to be suitable. If your preferred job happens to be in the service business, I assume you must be conscious this field is indeed one of the most difficult tasks out there as a career. There isnt any time for procrastination once it comes to getting your perfect job. While all resumes should offer information on your work and education experience, in addition to your abilities and accomplishments, there are various ways to present this info.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The One Thing to Do for Job Resume Template

The One Thing to Do for Job Resume schablone Whispered Job Resume Template Secrets Its high-quality PSD file is totally customizable. Our creative templates let you stick out from the crowd. Utilizing a resume template has turned into an acceptable and smart practice for several factors. What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Job Resume Template Resume creators permit jobseekers to make and download their finished resumes right from the world wide web to get started applying immediately. Once you have selected yur perfect resume template from ur selection, follow our absolutely free expert guidance about ways to craft the great modern resume. There are lots of beautiful resume templates out there, but nevertheless, it can be simple to feel as a lot of the greatest cost a ridiculous quantity of money, require special design programs in order to edit, or both. There are lots of free resume templates readily available online but sometimes it can be quite tough to choose the best one that is most suited to you. Employers are seeking concrete skills. Job seekers deserve to locate decent content quickly. If youre looking for Blank Job Resume Template youve come to the proper spot. The Principles of Job Resume Template You Will be Able to Benefit From Beginning Immediately A summary statement is a brief expert introduction that you could increase the peak of your resume. Most summer jobs mostly center on the technical pursuits that are complete in an establishment. The Nuiances of Job Resume Template Attempting to match your resume to the work advert may take more time and effort, but its definitely well worth it as your odds of getting noticed will be a lot greater. There are a lot of reasons why you would take on a part-time job. Its possible to find part time jobs for children. Getting your very first job can be among the most troublesome steps of your career. Job Resume Template Help By carefully targeting resumes for particular jobs and situ ations, youre able to greatly improve your odds of getting noticed in the work industry. When applying for employment in a big company that you may find they use specialized software to help weed out candidates. If youre attempting to acquire work in accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. Unique kinds of work in the food service industry require resumes with several of the very same skills. Job Resume Template Ideas Even though it is rare, you can secure an entry-level place to learn and grow in the field if youve got the right resume. Adjusting your career to another field doesnt indicate youre at a disadvantage. Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously provide you an advantage. Each one of our creative style templates offer you a perfectly balanced mixture of personality, professionalism and a little style.

Friday, November 29, 2019

How To Turn Job Interviews Into Job Offers

How To Turn Job Interviews Into Job OffersHow To Turn Job Interviews Into Job OffersThis article was updated on August 2, 2017Have you ever come out of an einstellungsgesprch thinking you nailed it only to receive a polite rejection a day or week later? Maybe your resume was the perfect fit and that call back came in lightning fast but you still didnt manage to score the position. Perhaps even your mom, coworkers and professionals friends all thought you were a shoe-in but, alas, still no job.It turns out that it isnt always the fruchtwein qualified candidate that gets the job offer. Instead, employers tend to flock towards candidates who demonstrate an in depth understanding of the common problems and obstacles facing the position, and in turn offer up solutions to overcome them.Real World ExampleThe best way to demonstrate a successful approach to turning interviews into offers is with scenario specific advice. If youre applying for a customer service management position, for examp le, you should be sure to commiserate with the interviewer the difficulties in addressing irate customers and talk about ways youve deescalated situations in the past. When applying for a compliance position, be sure to point out the push and pull between business generation and reducing risk and liability.Why This WorksWhen it comes right down to it, for any job opening there are numerous qualified applicants all vying for a single open position. Similar education, background and experience will place everyone pulled to interview on an even playing field. Qualified candidates may shine on paper, but fail to stand out from the crowd in the interview if they dont demonstrate not only knowledge of their field, but a deeper understanding of the big picture impact on their new potential employer. Identifying common issues allows you to commiserate and to show off your ability to think beyond the skills and tasks at hand.Nobody Actually Likes InterviewsWhether its the interviewer or the interviewee, no one actually enjoys sitting at a table and getting quizzed/asking questions for hours on end. Traditional interview questions can often leave both parties bored and can create an unmemorable interview experience. The less of an impact you make on the interviewer, the lower your chances of scoring that job over a candidate who managed to engage with their potential new employer.Its All in the QuestionsDemonstrating your skill set and understanding of the larger issues facing your employer isnt as difficult as it would seem. One of the best methods of showing off your understanding is by asking thoughtful and in depth questions. Identify a commonMartin Yate CPC, is theNY Timesbestselling author ofKnock em Dead The Ultimate Job Search Guide, andSecrets Strategies For Success. As Dun Bradstreet says, Hes really just about the best in the

Monday, November 25, 2019

Transportation Planning Cover Letter Example

Transportation Planning Cover Letter ExampleTransportation Planning Cover Letter ExampleWhen writing a cover letter for an application for a transportation planning job, its important to emphasize your command of both the hard and soft skills that are listed in the job advertisement. In particular, transportation planning requires strongcommunicationandanalyticalskills. Be sure to highlight these skills, and provide specific examples of how youve demonstrated them in your cover letter. Including examples of your direct involvement in projects, along with tangible, quantifiable statistics, provides the hiring manager with insight into your work ethic and the impact youll make in their business. Buzz Words If the job announcement emphasizes other buzz words in its Preferred Qualifications section, try to incorporate these into your cover letter as well. Industry-specific buzz words for transportation planners include phrases such as transportation management, project management, tr ansit passenger facilities, bus stop management, interagency planning, data analysis, public administration, environmental planning, land use planning, manages complexity, and ensures accountability. Example Cover Letter Below is anexample of a cover letterfor a transportation planning job. Use this cover letter sample as a guide when writing your own, but remember to be sure that the details fit your situation and target the specific position for which you are applying. Transportation Planning Cover Letter Example Your NameYour AddressYour City, StateZip CodeYour Phone NumberYour EmailYour LinkedIn Address (optional)DateDear Hiring ManagerYour need for a Washington State Bicycle/Pedestrian Planning Specialist has come to my attention, thanks to your recent announcement on Glassdoor. I provide strong leadership, research, and attention to detail aptitudes. My ability to work well with others, my environmental science degree training, and my extensive professional background in b icycle and alternative transportation planning make for a strong foundation for this position.My experience includes 11 years of serving on the Ann Arbor Bicycle Coordinating Committee (AABCC) and the Washtenaw Biking and Walking Coalition (WBWC), and I am an American Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP) member.In my current transportation planning role in Ann Arbor, I attend all planning meetings for major infrastructure projects in the City, neighborhoods, and with business associations in order to provide critique and recommendations. My particular emphasis is in addressing bicycle-pedestrian safety and legal concerns, proactively looking for ways to avoid potential future issues. I also strongly champion Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance and advocacy.Other of my competencies and accomplishments includeDemonstrated accuracy in analyzing traffic counts and performing site evaluationsWell-versed in producing Bicycle/ Alt Program literature, maps, resolutions, and correspondences to engage stakeholder and community interest in new transportation optionsSuccess in getting a minimum five percent (5%) of ACT-51 funding to be appointed to non-motorized transportation in the Ann Arbor area into perpetuityStrengthened bicycle-alternative transportation program with increased bicycle and pedestrian facilities, education, and awareness.As a commuting bicyclist logging about 3,000 miles each year since the 1980s and as a regular bus system user and pedestrian, I am able to analyze the function of the alternative transportation system and its needs through daily use.I look forward to interviewing with your department. Please contact me should you desire any further information before then. Thank you, in advance, for your time and consideration.Very Sincerely,Your Signature(hard copy letter)Your Typed Name Expand Emailing Your Cover Letter If youre sending a cover letter via schmelzglas, list your name and the job title in the subject line of the email message. Include your contact information in your email signature, but dont list the employer contact information. Start your email message with an appropriate salutation. Its best to address your letter to a specific person (their name should be stated in the job announcement, but if not, you may be able to find it by calling the company or reviewing their website). When in doubt, though, its acceptable to use Dear Hiring Manager, or To whom it may concern. Use simple formatting, without fancy fonts or HTML (which may become garbled if the recipient uses a different email client than you do). Double-check your letter for spelling errors and grammatical mistakes, and then send yourself a test message to ensure the formatting is clean before sending it off to an employer.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How this senior tech exec stopped manning up and just started leading

How this senior tech exec stopped manning up and just started leadingHow this senior tech exec stopped manning up and just started leadingSeveral years ago, Kirsten Wolberg welches interviewing with a major Bay Area company when the hiring manager urged her to try for a different role than the one she welches gunning for. It was an executive technology role, and there were no other women at leadership levels at the time, Wolberg recalls even the HR manager was a man. Still, she says, I didnt get the sense in the interview process that there was a specific focus on hiring a woman. I think it was very specifically tied to the skills that I brought to the table.So when Wolberg got the job, she hit the ground running, only to halt in her tracks a few months later after receiving her first 360-degree feedback review, based on anonymous input from her coworkers.In her own words, condensed and lightly edited for clarity, Wolberg, whos now chief technology and operations officer at DocuSign (and has held tech punkts at PayPal, Salesforce, and Charles Schwab), tellsFast Companyhow unprepared she was for the criticism she receivedand for her colleagues changed attitudes after the unconscious bias training that followed.RelatedI Was The Only Woman In My Company For Two Long YearsA punch in the stomachI was pretty oblivious to a lot of what was going on. This particular company would do 360-stakeholder reviews roughly after the first hundred days on the job, just to make sure the executives were onboarding in a positive way. When I sat down with the readout of my 360, I realized that things were elend great, and in fact they were quite bad.It was the first time in my career I ever heard this kind of feedback. I had heard other women in technology tell me they were getting this kind of feedback, but it never happened to me. The things that I heard most frequently were that I was too ambitious and I was trying to position myself as a successor to my boss, which was deemed as inappropriate and too aggressive.The other thing I heard was that I really was focused on me and not the team. One of the things Ive always prided myself onand Ive always focused onis the team. So to hear that was like a punch in the stomach. And then the final criticism was just a lot of style points on abrasiveness, too brash, not listening, and talking too much.There were two individuals who were peers of mine who actively said, in every forum, that they were trying to be a successor for my bosss role, and I never expressed anything similar. It wasnt my ambition. So to hear over and over that people have this perception that this is how I was positioning myself was like, Wow It has zero truth, but what must I be saying, what must I be doing, to be giving this impression?RelatedThe One Word Men Never See In Their Performance ReviewsI really started to second-guess myself. Every time I opened my mouth I was like, How is this coming across? I wrote out bullet point by bullet point These are the things that Im going to do to address this feedback. I focused on changing my style, being a lot quieter, and being clear about what my career ambitions were.But I also started looking for a new job, because I really felt like I was in a place that didnt get me. Id just taken the job, and I was super excited about it, butif I wasnt going to be able to be myself and I had to constantly think about everything before I opened my mouth, I wasnt in the right place.I think I owe you an apologyThat was about the time when the company brought in a professional organization that has done a lot of unconscious bias training. What the organizer recommended was that instead of bringing all the women together, we should actually bring the men into this conversation and really start focusing on educating the men around these biases.My boss and my peers were part of this training, andliterally to the points that were on my 360 feedbackthe training experts said, Well, this is what a wo man will hear, and this is whats driving it, through the entire two days of the training.My boss came up to me afterward and he said, I think I owe you an apology because I think that a lot of the feedback that I gave you through this stakeholder-review process was actually more about the unconscious bias that exists and the fact that youre a woman.I felt vindicated. And also, I felt like I had permission to be my authentic selfto really show up as a woman in that space. Thats not to say that all unconscious bias went away after thatbecause it still existedbut I had my confidence back because I had reinforcement, if you will, that what I was feeling wasnt just me.RelatedI Felt Like I Was Representing Every Black And Young PersonBut even though we had the unconscious bias training, this leadership team later went on an offsite where one of the team-building activities we did was that we raced cars on a racetrack using high-performance vehicles. I got out onto the racecourse and theyr e all flying around at 160170 miles per hour, and Im driving the inside of the track at 55 miles per hour. It was clear that I wasnt enjoying it. Then, as we were getting on the bus to go back to the hotel, one of my peers said to me, Dont worry, next time well just get a mani-pedi with you. Those kinds of things just continue to happen.I do think the overwhelming majority of menwantto do the right thing andthinkthey are doing the right thing. Its not until they get the training, and see what theyre doing and how theyre doing it and how unconscious it is, that the changes can really happen.To out-man the menIve been in technology and financial services most of my career, two of the most male-dominated industries. I always felt like the only way I was going to be able to compete was to out-man the mendress like a man, swear like a man, talk like a man, shoulders back like a man, just constantly fighting like a man. It is absolutely exhausting. And over the long run, its not successfu l.It wasnt until this happened that I realized Im never going to be a man, Im never going to out-man the men. To truly be an authentic leader, I need to be a woman. I need to embrace all that. How I engage in debate is different, in the sense that its not as in-your-face as it used to be. I also show more emotion and vulnerability in the workplace than I ever did.My boss at the former company who had apologized to me turned out to be my biggest cheerleader, my biggest ally, and to this day is one of my greatest mentors. Theres a lot of space for men who can continue to help women at every level to continue to grow in their careers. And even though they could start out in a very biased place, men can turn out to be some of the greatest allies for women across the board.More from Fast CompanyWear More Lipstick What I Heard As My States First Female TreasurerI Felt Like I Was Representing Every Black And Young PersonMeet The Woman Working To Make Podcasting More DiverseVideo What You N eed To Know About Airbnbs Major New ChangesThisarticleoriginally appeared onFast Company and is reprinted with permission.